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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » We have a return policy on defective presidents. Unfortunately it takes 4 years to get action on it. Why so long?

We have a return policy on defective presidents. Unfortunately it takes 4 years to get action on it. Why so long?

Why not have a tryout period...probationary...apprenticing..interning? A temporary hire who MUST perform as advertised or we boot him/her straightaway! Say 6 months?   Isn't six months long enough to know if we elected bogusman/boguswoman? Why drag it on so long? Maybe knowing they are probationary only will set a fire to them and force them to do what they said they would. I know. The Constitution doesn't allow for that. Ever hear of Amending it? Impeachment is available for certain specific things only. What if the person is simply a doofus ? Can you impeach someone for doofusness?

Posted - October 4, 2016


  • 258
    The Constitution states that electors shall meet, they shall choose a president, and the term is four years.
      October 4, 2016 6:38 AM MDT

  • 3934
      October 4, 2016 8:02 AM MDT

  • 3934
    There is already a process which could be used for "buyer's remorse."

    While the Constitution states impeachment is for "high crimes and misdemeanors", it is ultimately a POLITICAL process and could, in principle, be used by Congress to remove a government official simply because they don't like the color of his shoes.

    There is some evidence suggesting the authors of the Constitution intended impeachment to be used much more aggressively than it has been, and perhaps we'd have a better government if members of the Executive and Judiciary believed Congress was more likely to hold them to account. But that's not how our constitutional system evolved, and I don't think liberal use of impeachment would solve the fundamental problems in our current system of governance.
      October 4, 2016 8:01 AM MDT